Friday, October 9, 2015

Dog gets run over, does the roofer pay?

As a roofer/service technician you hope you solve more problems than you create.
A couple stories to give you some context.
One of the roof jobs we did had a driveway going past neighbors who had dogs. Every morning on our way in the drive the neighbors dogs would charge out to greet us barking like mad.
Every morning we’d slow down and try to make sure the dog was out of our way. It got frustrating cause you couldn’t always tell where the dog was around the big truck.
About the fourth morning, dog charges out, we slow down, think dog is has run around the truck. So we continue forward and yoowwwlll!!!! The dog yelps and screams as we feel a bump.

Is this our fault? Do we have to pay for the dog?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Bat Infestation Under Tile Roof- Roofing Miami, FL

I have seen a few bats in my roofing years but never anything like this!

Friday, September 18, 2015

The cheapest roof?

I'm pondering doing more research on this post from 2013. I originally started work on it in 2010. If anyone has ideas let me know. What I really want to do is get a chart and use a standard mid range value house. So the jury is still out, what is the cheapest roof?